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Episode 5: The Ex-Boyfriend

Spencer Boyd Interview

Friday October 7, 2005

Detective Savage

Det. Savage: Thanks for coming in today Mr. Boyd. As you know, we’ve asked you to come in to talk about Mariah Collins. I’m sure you’ve heard but she was recently found murdered. We’re trying to talk to everyone she knew so we can get some leads as to who might be responsible for this.

Spencer: Absolutely, anything I can do to help.

Det. Savage: Lets start with some general info and establish how you two got to know each other and see if we can fill in some more blanks about who all she knew.

Spencer: Ok

Det. Savage: When do you two meet?

Spencer: about a year ago when she first moved down here. She got a job at Mirabeau’s, the seafood place here off Vets.

Det. Savage: How long did she work there?

Spencer: Not too long, she found another serving gig at Pops that paid better or had better hours or something. Not totally sure which but she went there about a month after.

Det. Savage: Did she like it?

Spencer: Pops? Yeah, I mean, she worked absolutely all the time. But she always had really good things to say about her boss and her coworkers. Seemed to treat it like a family. That’s more than I can say for Mirabeau’s that’s for sure.

Det. Savage: That’s been something I’ve heard a lot.

Spencer: She loved to work. It’s a huge part of who she was.

Det. Savage: Is there anyone that she didn’t get along with? Anyone who could have tried to hurt her? Or didn’t like her?

Spencer: I mean, I don’t think so. Everyone loved her. Especially everyone at Pops. I mean she and her roommate Lily were having a hard time living together but I don’t think Lily would hurt her. I.. I don’t know.

Det. Savage: Did she talk to you much about Lilly?

Spencer: I guess. I mean, Lilly was almost never around unless she had guys over. So I think Mariah just needed someone to vent to.

Det. Savage: I’ve heard you two dated, tell me about that.

Spencer: Yeah, we started dating about the time she started working at Pops but she broke up with me about two months before Katrina. She said she wanted us to still be friends so we were. We still hung out about the same.

Det. Savage: How long were you two dating?

Spencer: xxxx

Det. Savage: Why did she want to break up?

Spencer: She said she wanted something more serious, she wanted someone more serious.

Det. Savage: Did she explain what she meant?

Spencer: Well, kinda, She just didn’t like that I was content being a server. She seemed to think I should want to do something bigger and better. She didn’t understand that I was fine with just a typical job. I don’t need much to be happy.

Det. Savage: How’d you feel about that?

Spencer: I mean, no one likes to be dumped but I guess I see what she meant. She had her mind on a future and marriage and it would certainly be difficult to raise a family or have very much with two servers. I just didn’t care to go back to school. And as much as I cared about her, I didn’t feel like I should have to change just to please her.

Det. Savage: So you kinda resented it?

Spencer: Well.. I dunno if I resented her. But I didn’t like how it made me feel.

Det. Savage: What about her, was she going to go back to school?

Spencer: I think so yeah, she talked about it a lot. Wanted to go to culinary school or hotel management. Said she was in the best place in the world to do it.

Det. Savage: Did you support her?

Spencer: Sure, I wasn’t gonna try and force it.

Det. Savage: So you were ok just being friends though….?

Spencer: Well. I mean. I just wanted to be with her.

Det. Savage: So your relationship with her was good?

Spencer: Yeah, I’d say so.

Det. Savage: Did she ever meet your family? Your friends?

Spencer: Yeah both. Everyone liked her for the most part. My friends kinda thought she was a goody goody but they thought she was good for me.

Det. Savage: A goody goody huh?

Spencer: Yeah, they’re all like me, just doing whatever job they can.

Det. Savage: Why do you think she moved down here?

Spencer: I wonder that myself, I guess I don’t really know.

Det. Savage: When was the last time you saw or spoke to Mariah?

Spencer: The morning she evacuated, she called to tell me she was heading to her parents. Wanted to see what my plans were.

Det. Savage: Did you offer her a ride? Or make any plans to evacuate together?

Spencer: No. She found her own way home.

Det. Savage: When did you see her last?

Spencer: A few days before that I guess? She worked a lot.

Det. Savage: So where did you go during the evacuations?

Spencer: I went to my Aunts house in Philadelphia, MS.

Det. Savage: Did your whole family go?

Spencer: No, the rest went to my grandma’s near Baton Rouge

Det. Savage: Don’t you live with family?

Spencer: yeah I do

Det. Savage: Why didn’t you go with them?

Spencer: I knew it was going to be cramped and I wanted to go visit my Aunt. She lives near my other grandparents so it seemed like a good opportunity to see them.

Det. Savage: Did Mariah know you were also going to MS?

Spencer: Yeah, I had mentioned it briefly but I think she was stressing so much about having things ready to go that she didn’t really hear me. She did that a lot, tune me out.

Det. Savage: I see. Well, is there anything else you can think of that might help us out?

Spencer: No sir, not at this time. But I loved her. I just want you to know that. I really did love her.

Det. Savage: I’m sorry for your loss too son. Well at this time, the investigation is still ongoing. We will likely need to speak with you again. Stick around town, if for any reason you relocate before we get this solved please let me know.

Spencer: Ok, yeah, I will sir. I hope you find who did this.

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